Calls For Greater Scrutiny Following NHS Failings

PoliticsCalls For Greater Scrutiny Following NHS Failings

The integrated Care Board, the organisation which overseas health in Greater Manchester, has been put into special measures by central government.
Launched in 2015 as part of a devolution deal, the organisation is now facing a £180 million black hole in their budget.

Lewis Croden Chairman of Bolton South Conservatives, Said:” The Regional NHS being put in Special measures is extremely concerning. 

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We have seen a lack of scrutiny on policing, building on the green belt, transport, congestion charge consultation, and now public health.” 

“I am calling on the government for full review of Metropolitan mayors and combined authority scrutiny functions. It is clear we need an assembly system like London. Not a one party state.” 

Laura Evans, the Conservative mayoral candidate for Greater Manchester said: “It’s terrible news that the NHS here is going into special measures. Trafford, in Greater Manchester,  is the birthplace of our cherished health service, so it is so sad this has happened. Unfortunately it’s just a long line of things that the mayor of Greater Manchester, Andyn  Burnham, has failed to get a grip on. He’s failed on policing, he’s failed on transport and now under his watch the health service has failed too. People deserve better.”

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Mark Fisher, chief executive of NHS Greater Manchester, said it was enduring “the most complex set of challenges our health and care system has ever faced”.

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