Have your say on the future economic priorities for Bury

NewsBuryHave your say on the future economic priorities for Bury

Residents and businesses are invited to share their views on how the jobs, opportunities and economy of Bury could be improved.

The council is drawing up a new Economic Strategy for Bury, which will guide its approach to driving forward local economic growth over the next ten years and improve people’s quality of life. 

Councillor Charlotte Morris, cabinet member for culture and the economy, said: “We’re putting unprecedented resources into the regeneration of our town centres to ensure that they thrive in the coming years. It’s important that these ambitious proposals are underpinned by a strong economic strategy and enjoy the support of all. 

“By collecting as many of your opinions and ideas as we can, we will be better positioned to ensure that local communities and businesses are supported, your ideas are heard, and your views are incorporated as much as possible into decisions and developments that affect Bury.”

A dedicated webpage has been created where people can have their say – go to Social Pinpoint | Bury Economic Strategy Homepage (placed-engagement.org.uk)

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You can add your comments to an Ideas Wall and an Interactive Map, which allows you to pinpoint your comments to a specific place or area in Bury. Contributors are encouraged to link their ideas to these themes: Bury’s People; Bury’s Places; Bury’s Economy and Businesses; Bury’s Connectivity; and Other. Each theme is explained in further detail on each page.

Survey with some short questions has also been prepared for you to answer if you wish.

This website is open for comment until Sunday 27 March 2022. 

An in-person event is also being held next Wednesday (23 March, 11am to 2pm) at The Square in Ramsbottom town centre, following earlier sessions held in Bury and Radcliffe.

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