Burnham Under Fire Following Sacha Lord Story – Conservatives Call For Investigation

NewsBurnham Under Fire Following Sacha Lord Story - Conservatives Call For Investigation

Conservative group leaders from across Greater Manchester have urged the combined authority to investigate mayor Andy Burnham’s night-time economy advisor over whether he was entitled to receive a £400,000 Arts Council of England grant during the pandemic.

In a letter to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, GMCA, the group leaders refer to the numerous concerning articles in the local press relating to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and the so-called ‘night-time economy tsar’ Sacha Lord, who was appointed by Greater Manchester Labour mayor, Andy Burnham.

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At the centre of the allegations is the allegation that there may have been irregularities in obtaining Covid Grants.

The Conservative Leaders of Greater Manchester are now seeking assurances from the mayor, namely that Mr Lord be suspended from all authority related activities and a full independent investigation by both the authority and police be undertaken into these serious allegations. 

Commenting, Nathan Evans, the Conservative group leader on Trafford Council said: “These are serious allegations, which need to be fully investigated. The public have a right to know whether, as it has been reported in the press, the company controlled by Mr Lord was entitled to receive this £400,000 grant. Mr Burnham and the GMCA now need to be transparent over these claims.”

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The letter adds that ‘the investigations will need to include inquiry into the direct allegations referred to in the press but in the interest of transparency must include all payments from GMCA and the Mayor’s office to both Mr Lord and his numerous companies. Investigation must be undertaken into any donations to the mayoral and other campaigns, and the sources of these funds and any contracts or awards of a similar nature. When concluded this investigation should be brought before the GMCA Overview and Scrutiny Committee for review.’

Sources close to Manchester Gazette have confirmed that the Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police, and the Secretary of State, Michael Gove, are aware of the allegations, and are ‘monitoring’ the situation.

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