Trafford Labour’s broken promise on street lighting could leave
residents in the dark this winter
In Labour’s draft 2023/2024 Trafford Council budget, there is £450,000
worth of proposed savings relating to street lighting. Labour are
considering, switching off some street lights and reducing the
operating hours of other street lights.
The proposal contrasts with a statement made in the March 2021
Trafford Council meeting by the Council Leader, Andrew Western. The
minutes from the meeting report “…that there would be no cut to street
lighting that year or in the future.”
Commenting on the broken promise, Tracey Haworth from North Trafford
Conservatives said “It is deeply worrying that Labour are proposing to
cut £450,000 from the street lighting budget and another £50,000
relating to how signs and bollards are illuminated. This proposed cut
comes at a time when Labour have been wasting up to £8,000 of
tax-payers money per month on cones on the A56 that a are destined for
yet another costly consultation to determine their future.”